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6-I. TEST OBJECTIVE 6-II. TEST DESCRIPTION This test requires operation of the bus over a course based on the Transit Coach Operating Duty Cycle (ADB Cycle) at seated load weight using a procedure based on the Fuel Economy Measurement Test (Engineering Type) For Trucks and Buses: SAE 1376 July 82. The procedure has been modified by elimination of the control vehicle and by modifications as described below. The inherent uncertainty and expense of utilizing a control vehicle over the operating life of the facility is impractical. The fuel economy test will be performed as soon as possible (weather permitting) after the completion of the GVW portion of the structural durability test. It will be conducted on the bus test lane at the Penn State Test Facility. Signs are erected at carefully measured points which delineate the test course. A test run will comprise 3 CBD phases, 2 Arterial phases, and 1 Commuter phase. An electronic fuel measuring system will indicate the amount of fuel consumed during each phase of the test. The test runs will be repeated until there are at least two runs in both the clockwise and counterclockwise directions in which the fuel consumed for each run is within " 4 percent of the average total fuel used over the 4 runs. A 20-minute idle consumption test is performed just prior to and immediately after the driven portion of the fuel economy test. The amount of fuel consumed while operating at normal/low idle is recorded on the Fuel Economy Data Form. This set of four valid runs along with idle consumption data comprise a valid test. The test procedure is the ADB cycle with the following four modifications: 1. The ADB cycle is structured as a set number of miles in a fixed time in the following order: CBD, Arterial, CBD, Arterial, CBD, and Commuter. A separate idle fuel consumption measurement is performed at the beginning and end of the fuel economy test. This phase sequence permits the reporting of fuel consumption for each of these phases separately, making the data more useful to bus manufacturers and transit properties. 2. The operating profile for testing purposes shall consist of simulated transit type service at seated load weight. The three test phases (figure 6-1) are: a central business district (CBD) phase of 2 miles with 7 stops per mile and a top speed of 20 mph; an arterial phase of 2 miles with 2 stops per mile and a top speed of 40 mph; and a commuter phase of 4 miles with 1 stop and a maximum speed of 40 mph. At each designated stop the bus will remain stationary for seven seconds. During this time, the passenger doors shall be opened and closed. 3. The individual ADB phases remain unaltered with the exception that 1 mile has been changed to 1 lap on the Penn State Test Track. One lap is equal to 5,042 feet. This change is accommodated by adjusting the cruise distance and time. 4. The acceleration profile, for practical purposes and to achieve better repeatability, has been changed to "full throttle acceleration to cruise speed". Several changes were made to the Fuel Economy Measurement Test (Engineering Type) For Trucks and Buses: SAE 1376 July 82: 1. Sections 1.1, and 1.2 only apply to diesel, gasoline, methanol, and any other fuel in the liquid state (excluding cryogenic fuels).
1.1 SAE 1376 July 82 requires the use of at least a 16-gal fuel tank. Such a fuel tank when full would weigh approximately 160 lb. It is judged that a 12‑gal tank weighing approximately 120 lb will be sufficient for this test and much easier for the technician and test personnel to handle. 1.2 SAE 1376 July 82 mentions the use of a mechanical scale or a flow meter system. This test procedure uses a load cell readout combination that provides an accuracy of 0.5 percent in weight and permits on-board weighing of the gravimetric tanks at the end of each phase. This modification permits the determination of a fuel economy value for each phase as well as the overall cycle. 2. Section 2.1 applies to compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), cryogenic fuels, and other fuels in the vapor state. 2.1 A laminar type flow meter will be used to determine the fuel consumption. The pressure and temperature across the flow element will be monitored by the flow computer. The flow computer will use this data to calculate the gas flow rate. The flow computer will also display the flow rate (scfm) as well as the total fuel used (scf). The total fuel used (scf) for each phase will be recorded on the Fuel Economy Data Form. 3. Use both Sections 1 and 2 for dual fuel systems. FUEL ECONOMY CALCULATION PROCEDURE A. For diesel, gasoline, methanol and fuels in the liquid state. The reported fuel economy is based on the following: measured test quantities--distance traveled (miles) and fuel consumed (pounds); standard reference values--density of water at 60EF (8.3373 lbs/gal) and volumetric heating value of standard fuel; and test fuel specific gravity (unitless) and volumetric heating value (BTU/gal). These combine to give a fuel economy in miles per gallon (mpg) which is corrected to a standard gallon of fuel referenced to water at 60EF. This eliminates fluctuations in fuel economy due to fluctuations in fuel quality. This calculation has been programmed into a computer and the data processing is performed automatically. The fuel economy correction consists of three steps: 1.) Divide the number of miles of the phase by the number of pounds of fuel consumed
FEomi/lb = Observed fuel economy = miles / lb
of fuel
2.) Convert the observed fuel economy to miles per gallon [mpg] by multiplying by the specific gravity of the test fuel Gs (referred to water) at 60EF and multiply by the density of water at 60EF FEompg = FEcmi/lb x Gs x Gw
3.) Correct to a standard gallon of fuel by dividing by the volumetric heating value of the test fuel (H) and multiplying by the volumetric heating value of standard reference fuel (Q). Both heating values must have the same units. FEc = FEompg x Q / H where H = Volumetric heating value of test fuel [BTU/gal] & Q = Volumetric heating value of standard reference fuel Combining steps 1-3 yields ==> FEc = miles / lbs x (Gs x Gw) x Q / H
Eq = Energy equivalent of converting mpg to
mile/BTUx106. B. CNG, LNG, cryogenic and other fuels in the vapor state. The reported fuel economy is based on the following: measured test quantities--distance traveled (miles) and fuel consumed (scf); density of test fuel, and volumetric heating value (BTU/lb) of test fuel at standard conditions (P=14.73 psia and T=60 EF). These combine to give a fuel economy in miles per lb. The energy equivalent (mile/BTUx106) will also be provided so that the results can be compared to buses that use other fuels. 1.) Divide the number of miles of the phase by the number of standard cubic feet (scf) of fuel consumed.
FEomi/lb = Observed fuel economy = miles / lb
of fuel
2.) Convert the observed fuel economy to miles per lb by dividing FEo by the density of the test fuel at standard conditions (Lb/ft3). Note: The density of test fuel must be determined at standard conditions as described above. If the density is not defined at the above standard conditions, then a correction will be needed before the fuel economy can be calculated. FEomi/lb = FEo / Gm where Gm = Density of test fuel at standard conditions
3.) Convert the observed fuel economy (FEomi/lb) to an energy equivalent of (miles/BTUx106) by dividing the observed fuel economy (FEomi/lb) by the heating value of the test fuel at standard conditions. Eq = ((FEomi/lb)/H)x106 where Eq = Energy equivalent of miles/lb to mile/BTUx106 & H = Volumetric heating value of test fuel at standard conditions 6-III. DISCUSSION This is a comparative test of fuel economy using diesel fuel with a heating value of 19,631 btu/lb. The driving cycle consists of Central Business District (CBD), Arterial (ART), and Commuter (COM) phases as described in 6-II. The fuel consumption for each driving cycle and for idle is measured separately. The results are corrected to a reference fuel with a volumetric heating value of 127,700.0 btu/gal. FUEL ECONOMY PRE-TEST MAINTENANCE FORM FUEL ECONOMY PRE-TEST MAINTENANCE FORM (page 3) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |